SMNR-Your Social Media News Release Tool!

15 04 2010

What is a Social Media News Release?
A SMNR is a Social Media News Release. It is just like a news release but includes multimedia characteristics and is also all electronic.  This is a growing and upcoming way that Public Relation practitioners are starting to adopt and put into practice. SMNR’s include video, hyperlinks, information, a news release, along with pictures and other sources. This concept is certainly a key tool to be used in today’s business media world. It is an advantage that our online services allow us to use. We can communication easier through these and have a more effective news release. The media content is more entertaining. It is said that more journalists prefer that PR practitioners use a Social Media News Release over a regular news release. The SMNR is more accessible to the audience and grabs their attention with and interest because of the unlimited resources you are allowed to attach and bring to their attention. Videos are also a great part about SMNR’s. They are easy to attach and engage the audience. Tagging is essential and there is a benefit that the PR practitioner has a two-way dialogue with the audience. When it comes to the audience in of SMNR’s, the main target are the bloggers online. These are the people you want to engage in. This goes along with one of my previous posts. Bloggers and other website have a huge effect on your company, so it is extremely crucial to keep the bloggers engaged and entertained in your content.

What are the Advantages versus the Disadvantages?

So far most would say there are very limited disadvantages. This concept is still recently designed that disadvantages have not fully been approached. Major advantages though can be listed off.
1.    There are websites to help easily create a SMNR
2.    Visual aid including movies, links, and pictures
3.    You can easily add countless amounts of links to additional resources in support of your subject
4.    SMNR’s are easily shared with more people who traditional News Releases cannot reach as fast

When Should A PR Practitioner Consider SMNR’s?

I previously stated that most journalists are starting to prefer SMNR’s over an old-fashioned news release. When working with a new client or company, SMNR’s can be a great source of helping add additional information to a news release that is easily acceptable. Consider the implications of your client specifically and what they may prefer. But in reality, when shouldn’t you use one? They are extremely beneficial.

Want some tips?! I just wanted to give a few tips for SMNR creation!

  • Provide Credible Links
  • Make sure you take advantage of the multimedia aspect (add pictures and video)
  • Tell the whole story
  • Link to additional resources to connect to other information in regards to your specific topic
  • Still keep everything grammatically correct
  • Create a boiler point

For additional information and tips Click Here

Here is a link to PR WEB in Plain English. This will help put SMNR’s in to a simple context. Click Here
As I looked around online I came across this video that is very help when you are trying to understand and gain the concept of SMNR’s. Click Here if you are interested in learning more about SMNR’s and where they are taking Public Relations.
I also came across a website that specifically looks into and trains the public on Social media News Releases. The link of the website is HERE if you are interested in looking into that. Take a look!

Here is a link to a SMNR that the company MercaForex created–> CLick Here

It’s your turn~ Want to create a SMNR???

Visit these following links to easy free creation!




For any extra information or connection visit for all of your Public Relation needs~!

Visitor Jeff Houck

11 04 2010

Jeff Houck, writer for the Tampa Tribune, came to Southeastern University April 6th, 2010. As a guest speaker, Jeff Houck spoke to Barbara Nixon’s PR writing class on public relations in the journalistic world. He had some great advice and information that was beneficial for anyone who was even remotely interested in pitching stories or just learning how to network.

I had the privilege to ask Jeff Houck a question about how he establishes relationship with everyone in his networking circle. He talked about face to face relationship. The best way to establish a healthy relationship with a source is to not have the conversations always be business related. When creating a relationship, you also create a trust. Go out of your way  to shake their hand or call them on the phone weekly. Those are just some simple steps to creating and establishing a relationship.

While answering my question and shaking my hand, he put a simple truth of Public Relations into perspective.

If interested in reading some of Jeff Houck’s articles or creating a relationship with him and his resource click here.

Chapter 14 Notes

11 04 2010

Chapter 14 Reading Notes
Here are some guidelines for writing smart, simple, and short:
1. Completeness
2. Conciseness
3. Correctness
4. Courtesy
5. Responsibility

-Show a need
-Satisfy the need
-Show benefits
-Call for action
***When writing a proposal, keep in mind proposals follow a specific format. They are a tool to convince higher management to make a decision about contracts or about approving money and resources for a project.

Source: Public Relations Writing and Media Techniques

Chapter 12 Notes

11 04 2010

Chapter 12 Reading Notes
Here are five things that new media is characterized by
1. Widespread broadband
2. Cheap/free, easy-to-use online publishing tools
3. New distribution channels
4. Mobile devices, such as cameras phones
5. New advertising paradigms
Here are some writing tips from Shel Holtz
1. Write the way you talk
2. Limit each page to a single concept
3. Use a lot of bullet-point lists
4. Make sure each page provides the context readers need
5. Limit the use of italics and boldface
6. Do not overuse hyperlinks within narrative text
7. Make sure your hyperlinks are relevant
8. Provide feedback options for readers

**Public Relations is a field where texting, twitter, and wiki are used a lot within works that are done.

Source: Public Relations Writing and Media Techniques

Passion For Blogging?

3 04 2010

Many PR practitioners have a passion for blogging and using many SMNR’s. I have been reading many blogs and I have been seeing a passion that I love and a passion that I cannot stand. I understand that there are many opinions that are opposing on different matters, but this doesn’t mean that foul language and a sense of hate has to be used. I think this is something that can be avoided. For PR practitioners, this is something that probably can completely ruin your reputation. Everyone is different though. I do feel a sense of passion is needed and I love to see it. There is just no reason it needs to get to a point where it is disrespectful.


3 04 2010

As I have been thinking about spam and how disgusting it tastes and smells, it reminded me of how much I do not like spam mail, spam posts, or just spam in general. The word SPAM should just leave existence. It seems that any social media network has spam. The internet is just full of it. As soon as MySpace got popular and took off in the public spam took over. The same with Facebook. I even get comments that are just spam. Is there a way that we can just get rid of spam all together??? Any thoughts? PR Practitioners…How do we deal with this problem when our clients are full of spam?

Chapter 11 Notes

3 04 2010

Chapter 11 Notes

Areas of Friction Between Public Relations and the Media-
*Advertising influence
* Name-calling
* Sloppy/biased reporting
*Hype and News Release Spam
* Tabloid journalism
Here are some guidelines for PR Newswire-
* When “no comment” appears it can create hostility
* Be respectful and try to help
* Know the deadlines that are set for print and media
* Network with the journalist around you and be familiar with who they are so you know who to contact

Source: Public Relations Writing and Media Techniques

Another Video…

3 04 2010

So I came across another video. It made me laugh because it reminded me of my teacher that I am actually doing this blog for. She is on top of every single PR connection you could think of. It amazes me. This video is of a boss/man who made a song and music video about how much he is on his media and how much he loves social media. Check IT out! I promise you will get a kick out of it!

Great Video!

3 04 2010

This is Great!

I was on YouTube and I came across this video. In some funny ways it sums up almost everything that a PR Practitioner uses in a little love/country folk song. Take a look here!

New Bloggers (TOW 16)

3 04 2010

Blogging is something that I was new at in the beginning of this recent semester. I was very excited in learning how to make my own and getting my words and thoughts out to everyone. There are ten different tips that I would like all PR students to take into consideration before they enter into the blogging world. They may not be the same thought as everyone, but these are my thoughts that may be useful.

1) Make Sure You Are Passionate About What You Are Writing!

When is comes to blogging, I was very excited to express my thoughts and passions to the world. Because my first blogging experience was for a class and particularly all about Public Relations, I began to get a distaste. I like Public Relations, but I am not in love with it, which made blogging very boring and rough for me.

2) Learn To Love It

If you are going into Public Relations, you need to learn to love every part of the profession along with blogging. Blogging is something that PR practitioners do on a day-to-day basis. It is key and crucial that you learn to love blogging and everything that goes along with it.

3) Hyperlinks

Hyperlinks are something that you need to learn to put into your posts. This either goes with your research or something just to keep you audience entertained. Hyperlinks should not be put in as a web address though. IN blogging you are allowed to make a direct connection through a hyperlink in a word that is in you sentence. This makes your blog look more organized and professional.

4) Credibility

Because you are on the internet and any people can see your posts, you need to make sure you give credit where credit is due. Credibility is always important in any writing, but especially in blogs.

5) Pictures

Make sure to add some picture within your blog. People are very visual so this will help entertain them. It also adds another way you can connect the audience to what you ar talking about within your writing.

6)Spelling and Punctuation

Spelling and punctuation are something that I struggle with all the time. This is something though that cannot be ignored. When you blog there is a spell check button so make sure before you post you always click it. You are putting all of your writing into the public, so make sure you do not make your writing look bad.

7) Network

When having a blog you are able to connect with hundred of people from all over the world. Take advantage of this and network. See what people have to offer and what you can offer them.

8) Comments

You write a blog so people will read and comment on your postings. The thing is, you have to do the same. Make sure that you are looking at others blogs and commenting on their posts. IF you comment on people’s blogs they will most likely do the same on yours.

9) Research

If you are wanting to put in interesting content within your posts do research to do so. There are so many things that people would love to know about. Be the person to tell them about it before anyone else does.

10) Reputation and Respect

With a blog you can gain a reputation of the kind of writing that you have. You get to choose your reputation. ALong with a reputation you need to be respectful. That is my number one rule about everything. Remember to respect others in your writing, in your comments, and in the responses of the comments you receive. There are opposing views, but that doesn’t mean that respect has to disappear. Continue to respect and you will build integrity and your reputation.

This is just some of my input that I feel you should take into consideration when you are beginning to learn to blog as a PR student.